Critical Reflection on Learning in the Course

14 weeks had passed since the start of the course. Initially, this module was just a module that I had to bear with for 15 weeks and be done with it, but as time passed the module had helped me developed lots of communication skills that I could use in my life. There are also goals that I set during the first blog post that was to understand myself better when I am communicating with someone else. I am now more aware of how I am communicating and able to understand my own conversations more now.

I have also learned communications models such as the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Management Strategy. These are the tools that we used in our project to tackle our workplace abuse problem. TKI is about the 5 conflict management mode to help us approach on solving conflicts and Daniel Goleman’s approach is to help us identify our own emotions and how to manage it.

Other than learning more about communication, I am thankful for such a group with high efficiency in producing quality work as well as spending the time to discuss and work up on the project. I appreciate all the efforts made by my team mates and such camaraderieĀ is hard to find during a 1-trimester module. Overall the project was a great success as everyone presented well and put in their best efforts during the whole trimester. All the challenges faced during this module and the experience gained is a worthwhile one.

I wish everyone the best in their future endeavors!

One thought on “Critical Reflection on Learning in the Course”

  1. Thanks, Alvin, for this brief reflection.You provide a couple examples of your module learning in terms of the various conflict resolution models. To fit this discussion more appropriately within the scope of the blog assignment though, I would connect these to your project learning in general, since that is the specific task request. It should be easy to do that considering that your research project team focused exactly on this. You could then explain how this might be useful in your future.

    The other element that you were supposed to discuss in this last post was how your learning in the module connected to the two goals you had set for yourself in the initial post. You make a simple assertion about one of these goals, but not really in the form of a critical reflection, and certainly not in detail.

    That being said, I appreciate the effort you made this term, and the work your team did was really excellent, especially considering the improvement made throughout the process.

    All the best as you continue your learning journey!


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